Saturday, September 15, 2012

Mia Leads the Way

We are smack dab in the middle of life, each and every one of us.

We have lots of things to do, yet never enough time to get everything done. Our lives are filled with laughter and funny moments, but plenty of pain to go around, too. We all know someone who could use a hug and a kind word or two, right this moment.

We have joy and we have sorrow, all part of our human experience.

If I had to boil it down…if I could choose only one word out of the English language…or from any languages of the world…just one word that really matters to me – my word would be love. 

We try and we fail. We make mistakes and we have success. We sometimes even hurt someone.

But, we love one another. 

Life seems to be coming at me fast these days. I know many of us feel this way for all kinds of reasons.

Check out the following photo which might well be titled, “Where Are the Dog Treats?”

As I pushed our shopping cart through Fairway Monday morning, I wondered if Mia might leap out. I need not have worried, Mia was thrilled with her vantage point!

Mia acts as though she is leading the brigade. Eyes straight ahead and obviously engaged. 

Maybe dogs have it right, be here right now.

                                                    Mia, 9/10/12



Anonymous said...

Dear Doreen
Thinking about you and Joe and Lis every day. Sending you love and positive thoughts.

DD said...

Sherrie, your kindness fills my heart with joy! Thank you!

Unknown said...


Great seeing you, Liz, Joey and Peter last night....Happy Almost Bday! Mia as we all know is a true SuperStar with a Very Courageous Dad...Joey.

Love you all,

Mia's Babysitters Unlce Billy and Aunt Lisa

Anonymous said...

Well written Doreen. "I wish I could be half the man my dog thinks I am"......always loved this quote. Glenn

Doreen said...

Yes, we did have fun hanging out last night. Thanks to all for good food and good company. And for dog sitting, too!
Glenn - Nice quote! Here is another -"When a dog runs at you, whistle for him." David Thoreau
PGW tells me Thoreau was telling us when opportunity comes at you, encourage it...